wedding shoes

11:47 AM – 4 Apr 2016 She found my wedding shoes


7:59 AM – 17 Apr 2016 It happened. At least it was chalk!


12:00 PM – 17 Apr 2016 Better.


5:09 PM – 17 Apr 2016 Pro tip for prom worthy hair this season: boogers and popsicles. You’re welcome.


6:25 PM – 18 Apr 2016 It’s raining, it’s pouring


3:43 PM – 25 Apr 2016 Ready to show off her backpack!


3:29 PM – 30 Apr 2016 Taking care of friends’ cats. She fed them and I got them water.

10:22 PM – 1 Apr 2016 “Go away! Go to bed and I stay here with daddy [watching tv]! Just GO to bed without me mommy!

6:08 PM – 4 Apr 2016 *Pointing to someone eating Froot Loops* “She eating g[r]een Cheerios!! Can we get g[r]een ones mommy??”
8:49 PM – 6 Apr 2016 “I want NO [electric toothbrush] buzzing, NO tooth brushing, and NO hair brushing tonight!” And she watched me to see if it would work (no).
8:46 AM – 8 Apr 2016 Jet, in a sad voice: “I can’t fly!” Me: “That’s because you don’t have wings.” Jet: “Noo, you only need a cape to fly!”
7:56 PM – 9 Apr 2016 Jet, to the cat on the counter: “Get down you lazy poopoo Fee!” (FTR, I never call people lazy. I don’t know where she got it. Nor poopoo)
9:01 PM – 9 Apr 2016 Unprompted, she thanked me for snuggles. Then she thanked me for staying home today. *melt*

8:29 AM – 22 Apr 2016 In the last 24 hours I have explained: cemeteries, ultrasounds, and the salient features of the lollipop. I need a manual.
6:46 PM – 22 Apr 2016 “You’re the best mommy in the whole world!”

2:48 PM – 29 Apr 2016 “I need some bread for my butter!”