Words and Signs
- hi
- bye
- Daddy
- uh-oh
- whee
- bath
- ball
- ice
- duck
- ick
- wow
- mine
- no
- water/agua
- Elmo/elbow (same sound, different contexts)
- bubble[s]
- box
- brrr
- Mama
- apple
- hat
- help
- hug
- ow
- Jack (school mate)
- baby
- bike
- up
- Jo
- rock
- book
- walk
- blue
- owie
- eye
- please
- bird (“a bird, tweet tweet”)
- log
- hair
- nose
- poo poo
- pee pee
- draw
- bite
- pink
- rice
- burp
- excuse me (“smee mee”)
- baile (Spanish for ‘dance’)
- play doh
- Bevo
- airplane
- burp
- beep
- oval
- white
- milk
- more
- all done
- eat
- hat
- water
- bed
- apple
- butterfly
- nurse
- cheese
- please
- thank you
- book
- potty
- baby
- raisin
- cookie
- color
- up
- blue
- red
- cold
- you’re welcome
- orange
- green
- wait
- white
- black
- tan
- silver
- gray
- flower
- time (to indicate she wants to watch Signing Time)
- puzzle