Wednesday, June 1st, 2011 at 8:08 pm
“Miscellany” would make an awesome collective noun. Like a miscellany of Matuszeks, or a miscellany of collective nouns.
I’m pondering going back to school. I doubt I would actually go for more than one class any time soon, as I want to make sure I can actually finish this time. Right now I’m just trying to figure out what I would need to have in order to get back to it. I also need to find out if I could take time off for maternity.
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Wednesday, May 11th, 2011 at 7:48 pm
None of these things are really worth devoting an entire post to, but there hasn’t been much earth shattering going on recently.
1. I wonder if I broke a toe. I stubbed my little toe on a brick yesterday, and despite icing it within about 5 minutes, it’s swollen and purple and hard to walk on. I’m pretty sure the only purpose the little toe serves is to remind us all to be glad for modern medicine. You can break just about any other bone in your body, and they can do *something* for you. (Although I hear that taping broken ribs really doesn’t help much). But break a toe and your options are to tape it to the toe next to it, or don’t.
2. Fee has a new collar as well as a microchip! In an effort to distinguish him from those cats whose owners just leave a bowl of food outside, I tried to make it explicit that if you see him you should call me. If he were a teenager he would kill me for this: Read the rest of this entry
Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 at 6:56 am
Fee came walking around the corner of the house this morning, totally unfazed and apparently looking for breakfast and a comfy place to curl up for a nap. And now I know what to spend that gift card on. A microchip and collar are coming soon to a cat near you.
Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 at 12:18 am
I’m worried sick and can’t sleep. He’s probably okay, and only been gone at most a couple hours. It’s too late to go outside and call for him, although I tried a little bit. I’m trying to remember the last time I saw him. It was a few hours ago, just before we watched the latest Doctor Who. I took the trash out right afterwards, and I definitely haven’t seen him since then.
We got Hermia back when she got out that one time. And Sarah too. And cats are far more resourceful than goofy, innocent little ferrets. But I still feel like I’ve swallowed a mountain, and since I called in sick to work today I don’t know how I could possibly do so again tomorrow.
I can’t do much tonight. I should go to bed so I can get up early to look for him. But I just can’t sleep.