20 weeks, wow! It’s been a week full of rain and snuggles. Not many new skills.

– Slept on her stomach at night for the first time. Technically it’s a bit early. She isn’t rolling reliably. But she has no trouble lifting her head and moving it from side to side, and she cried when I put her down on her back. I rolled her over and bam, asleep. So I decided to give it a go. Which led to her next accomplishment:

– Slept 5 hours in a row. Just one hour short of that amazing “sleeping through the night” of which parents speak.

– Not really a milestone, but she has taken to flailing her limbs wildly when she sees me, with a huge smile on her face. It is beyond precious.

– She also loves watching Dad as he moves around the room.

– Also, this has been happening for a while, but I think I’ve forgotten to mention it. She’s fascinated with screens. This week, she is even fascinated with them when they’re off. I used to be able to distract her from my phone or ipad simply by turning the offending device off, but not this week. She knows what they are, and she wants them!

– First day home all day with just dad! They both did great.