Saturday night, Jet had a lot of trouble sleeping because she was both very congested and gassy. Sunday morning, she threw up all over me, and soon after had a round of diarrhea. This was enough to convince me to take her temperature (100.2), which was enough to convince me to call the nurse line, who told me to come in. So we saw the doctor, who said it was probably just a virus and we just needed to keep an eye on the fever, make sure she had enough wet diapers, and use saline drops in her nose. Call if the fever hits 100.4. Hooray no antibiotics!
So I took my fussy little munchkin home and put saline in her nose and let her sleep on me instead of in her crib. She had a good nap and was mostly back to her sunny little self. A little quicker to cry when she needed something, but otherwise acting fine. At 8pm, her fever hit 100.4. I wouldn’t say I freaked out, but I definitely called the nurse line without hesitation. Finally our choice of pediatrician has paid off! They said to call back if it goes to100.5, but that100.4 was still okay, and to let her sleep rather than wake her for rectal temps. So I called in to work and called her in from school, and put her to bed.
Through the night her temp stayed down, and this morning (Monday) she was back below 99 and while congested and clingy, otherwise acting totally normal.
Tomorrow she goes back to school, barring another fever tonight. In short, this has been the easiest and least scary first time my child got sick I could have hoped for. Yay!